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Monday, 21 October 2013

D.I.Y. Shabby Chic Pumpkin

I wanted to share my D.I.Y. shabby chic pumpkin idea for Autumn! I do feel that this is such a simple do it yourself that it almost doesn't require an explanation, but I figured I would just make up a really quick how to. I am sure there are millions of ways to decorate and design your own pumpkin for Autumn. I just did this one with things I already had in my house.

First off I bought a cheap smaller sized pumpkin from my local grocery store (Tescos for me)

Then I took some "antique cream" paint left over from when I painted my coffee table.
I got mine from Homebase and it is Crown's non drip satin in antique cream.

I painted 2 coats of it with a dry brush onto my pumpkin without making it overly thick.

Then once it dried I took sand paper and gently went over the whole pumpkin until I had the desired effect.

Super easy, quick, and a nice way to give a more shabby chic Autumnal design!

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